-- Mert Walther, Abbington, Pennsylvania
"I've known Tom Hoefling for many years, and he walks the talk. Iowa would be lucky to have a principled, experienced Governor like Tom. I hope they don't miss the opportunity."
-- Mert Walther, Abbington, Pennsylvania "For all Iowan voters in 2014, there's really only one question: Do you finally need principled leaders, who are actually for the people's lawful rights to various liberties and freedoms, who understand, agree with, and even teach, let alone carry on, the Providentially honored vision and original creation of our Founding Fathers for true and satisfying, properly-limited civil government always in reasonable protection and support for actual Life, Liberty, and Prosperity for the people? If that answer is an obvious yes for you personally, then there's no question that the person you want leading all the rest of Iowa's officials, especially, should and must be the very best available example of such principled leaders, so stake your Liberty claim and mark your Freedom territory: Vote for Tom Hoefling for Iowa Governor in 2014. Do your State proud, take a stand for the people, and make your vote count for principled leadership - Vote Hoefling for Governor."
-- Torm Howse, Indianapolis, Indiana "Tom Hoefling is a conservative who believes in the principles this country was founded on. He is a great believer in the Constitution and also has shown great Christian values in fighting for the rights of the unborn. He is a man of integrity and one who you can trust to do the job right as governor of Iowa"
-- Annette Callow, Aurora, Colorado "A person such as Tom Hoefling deserves to be President of the United States, and Governor of Iowa would be a great start to that eventual goal. If Tom were to go back in time, he would fit in perfectly with our Founding Fathers because Tom knows and comprehends the Constitution of the United States that well, and he respects the Constitution enough to uphold it as, tragically, most politicians do not today. You can give Tom your complete trust because he's bold enough and strong enough to not waver in the face of stiff opposition to the moral stands he takes. He will hold the line, without a doubt. Our country needs a man like Tom Hoefling to be Governor of Iowa in order to provide a giant leap toward getting this country back onto the track it used to be on when America was that shining city on a hill."
-- Scott Evans, Boulder, Colorado "Iowa is in great need of a governor like Tom Hoefling who is willing to take a bold stand for the unborn."
-- Adam Nelson, Ames, Iowa "This is a personal appeal to you to support Tom Hoefling for Iowa Governor. As governor Tom will represent all of the following principles without compromise: We're One Nation Under God. The first sworn duty of every officer of government is to protect the God-given, unalienable rights to life, liberty, and private property of every person, from creation, at the instant of conception, until natural death. The God-given institution of one man-one woman marriage and the natural family must be protected. The right of the people to Keep and Bear Arms shall not be infringed. Our national sovereignty, security, and borders must be defended. Our republican form of representative self-government must be adhered to. The oath of office to support and defend the Constitution of the United States must be fulfilled. If you are willing to help in this endeavor please respond to this appeal by endorsing, supporting and, if a registered voter in Iowa, by voting for Tom in this election Please pray for the success of Tom's effort according to God's will and for His glory! Thank you for your kind consideration. May the LORD Jesus Christ richly bless you and your family."
-- Larry DeMej, Rochester, New York "Tom Hoefling's principled stance makes him a trustworthy candidate to do exactly what he says he will do when elected. You should check out his longheld principles and apply principles you hold dear to your votecasting decision. Any state should be happy to have Tom as Governor."
-- Norman DeArmond, Palm Springs, California "As Chairman of the Government Accountability Committee in the Saint Augustine Florida Tea Party; I AFFIRM that TOM HOEFLING is a strong 'AUTHENTIC USA CONSTITUTIONAL FIGHTER,' WHEREFORE: IOWA electorate, you are very blessed by having TOM HOEFLING as Governor in IOWA,. Please do your duty to check all the facts of all candidates and you will see that TOM HOEFLING is your best option. If I could, I would elect with no doubt: TOM HOEFLING GOVERNOR IN IOWA!"
-- Joaquin DeMoreta, St. Augustine Tea Party "I whole heartedly endorse Tom Hoefling. His grasp of scriptural principles, natural law, and the constitution serve up a powerful and unique one-two-three combination, making him most fit for the Governor's office."
-- Pastor John Rech, Marion, Arkansas "No candidate for political office in America has a firmer grasp on the U.S. Constitution, our founding documents and the principles which made our nation the greatest in the free world, than Tom Hoefling. God-fearing Iowa voters are most fortunate to have a candidate who will fight for their lives, liberty & property, without exception. Voters who are sick of candidates who say one thing and do another can rest assured that Tom Hoefling is the real deal and he will lead Iowa back to protecting her citizens' God-given, inalienable rights and ensuring the blessings of liberty to their posterity."
-- Leslie Hanks, Watkins, Colorado President, American Right to Life We would like to thank Steve McCoy of Indianola, Iowa for his public endorsement of Tom Hoefling's 2014 campaign for Iowa Governor!
"Tom is one of the most honest people I know. He stands by the Constitution that was written by our Founding Fathers, and He is a true Christian."
-- Norma Halverson, Laurens, Iowa "America needs Godly men of principle to step up to the plate and tell our government how they should be run following Godly principles. We need more men like Tom to step up!! Thank you Tom!!!"
-- Chris Shannon, Wheaton, Illinois "Isn't it time to have people of integrity, character and principle in leadership positions in government? Don't we want people who will adhere to the oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution? People who believe in the sanctity of life from conception to natural death? People who will remind us that our rights come from our creator God and are unalienable? If your answer is yes to all of the questions above then you know why Tom Hoefling has my undying support for Governor of the great state of Iowa. He is a man who will put what is right before what is expedient. Tom Hoefling is the right man for the job. Character counts!!! Tom Hoefling for Governor!"
-- Michael McKinney, Fallbrook, California "I have known Tom Hoefling and have worked with him over the past 6 years. During the entire time He has shown to be a staunch and unwaivering servant to our God given inalienable rights and related foundational principles. Not only has Tom put in much time and effort to such causes he also has done it with much skill both written and orally. One such ongoing effort is his countless hours on the America's summit public conference calls in which his contributions and political acumen continually expose the fallacies of the many false flags of today's political candidates, office holders and policies while deftly analyzing, redirecting and focusing on the cure to our Nations' restoration – getting back to the bedrock principles our USA constitutional republic was founded upon. I can think of no one better prepared based on his consistent, persistent and substantial efforts to serve the people of Iowa as governor. I regret only why can't Tom move to our state and run for Governor. Your Iowans are blessed to have such a person as Tom Hoefling seeking to publicly serve you as Governor."
-- Paul Curtis, Waymart, Pennsylvania "Tired of Politicians? Tom represents all that is true Conservative values, A true Statesman in every sense of the word, just what Iowa, and this Nation needs."
-- Michael Amatuzzo, Greentown, Indiana "I got to know Tom Hoefling during the last presidential election cycle when he ran as the America's Party candidate. I have found him to be an honest and sincere Constitutional Conservative. In these very troubled times, Iowa and our beloved country need public servants such as this. His absolute devotion to the protection of LIFE for every person from conception to natural death & his defense of traditional marriage as instituted by God are just two examples that show the moral character that is necessary to serve in such a position of integrity & trust as Governor of the great state of Iowa. Tom is the kind of person I look for in a public servant. And, yes, he would consider himself a servant of the people. A leader is someone who is willing to do anything he expects others to do. He leads by example. That leader is Tom Hoefling."
-- Susan Briggs, Douglasville, Georgia "I enthusiastically endorse Thomas Hoefling for Governor of Iowa. The first introduction to Tom was in his position as chairman of America's Party. He answered my many questions straight forward. After that conversation (more of an interview) I had with him called him right back with a couple of follow up questions. He was very gracious. How refreshing it is when a man answers questions honestly. My friends have given up on anyone ever running for any office who actually accepts the questions asked and gives an honest answer. Since that time I've heard Tom in debate win over opposition through the same process of straight forward honesty. I'll never forget hearing the 2012 presidential Constitutional Party candidate thank Tom publicly for teaching him more about the constitution in one of those debates. I heard radio interviews that began slightly antagonistic who openly endorsed him later. Tom may not get any mainstream party to rally behind his campaign but he is one citizen who other citizens can all rally behind and support for his principles that we so desperately need in every state if our families and nation is to survive! I think people are tired of party politics and just want someone who knows the law, understands it, believes it, and will follow it."
-- Mark Turner, Ocala, Florida "Tom Hoefling is a true servant leader, with proven dedication to living out the principles that made America great. Few in our government today have the depth of knowledge and understanding that Tom has of our nation's founders and great historical statesmen. It is his love of God and country that has formed in him the strength, courage, wisdom and humility so pathetically lacking in the mere politicians we have become so accustomed to. I heartily endorse Tom Hoefling for Governor of Iowa."
-- Christine Szczap, Wheaton, Illinois "Tom Hoefling is a Constitutional believer all the way- Life (at conception), 1 man/1 woman marriage and Liberty to the people by way of less Government! That's why I strongly support Tom Hoefling for Governor in 2014!"
-- Bill Hartzell, Council Bluffs, Iowa "Tom Hoefling is a principled Patriot with a clear conservative vision for his state and his nation, deeply entrenched in the knowledge and understanding of the founding documents of this nation and the most poignant writings of principled men of history. I hope all Iowans will support Tom vigorously. Every state in this nation needs an uncompromising man of principle leading the charge to restore and rebuild what apathy, compromise, and liberal agendas have destroyed in only a handful of decades. I know Tom will serve his State of Iowa with the same passion and conviction that has guided him thus far."
-- Kevin Nelson, Webster, Massachusetts "Real leadership, real Christianity, real Conservative. These are three things that come to mind when I am asked to describe Tom Hoefling. Our nation is on the brink of destruction and from Democrat to establishment Republican "We the People" are offered only two options and for years we have fallen in line hoping that maybe this time there will be a candidate that gets it right. After coming to know Tom Hoefling, I can say that here is that candidate. I am endorsing Tom Hoefling for governor of Iowa because his proven leadership and true Conservative values are what is needed to lead Iowa and this nation back to the first principles upon which this nation was founded."
In Christ, -- Seth J. Riggi, Los Angeles, California "It is my honor to publicly endorse Tom Hoefling for Iowa Governor. He is dedicated to restoring our nation back to the founding principles that made this nation great to begin with. He does not fear standing for the truth. He cannot be bought or sold. He will defend all natural God given unalienable rights for each person. He has been a mentor for many in this country. Teaching us the stated purpose of the constitution. And our natural rights that it is there to protect. He is incredibly knowledgable when it comes to American and foreign history. He will be an asset in every way. And I am excited to have a leader of his class in Iowa."
-- Donna Stover, Orange Park, Florida "Being a former California Concerned Women of America chapter leader, I value Conservative candidates, and since moving to Iowa in 2008, I have witnessed the undermining of the Christian family values that make this State known as the heartland. I am excited to endorse Tom Hoefling as a candidate for Governor. And support him in the fullest of measure."
-- Debbie Sundeen, Exline, Iowa "Tom Hoefling's campaign for Governor is the most significant development in Republican Party for some time because of what the Leadership and Accountability Project means in terms of building leadership at the grassroots, re-awakening leadership in Iowa citizens so that those citizens work aggressively to hold elected officials accountable. In this campaign, Tom Hoefling will show what a REAL Conservative can do to make significant, authentic and genuine difference in building up Conservatives and raising up Conservatives to confront the culture of compromise and pandering that has characterized Republican politics in Iowa in the last three decades. Tom Hoefling will show his leadership as he develops new leaders across Iowa ... in contrast to how others have undermined new voices, have created the climate of confusion and distrust within the Iowa GOP today. Tom Hoefling is a Conservative game changer because his campaign is about developing new Conservative game changers. I look forward to the debates and genuinely new ideas that will come from the Hoefling For Governor campaign."
-- Mark Bruns, George, Iowa |