Tom Hoefling:
A few late night stray thoughts before I pack it in for the day:
When I think of America, I think of our brave pioneer forebears.
I think of fire and brimstone, Holy Ghost Bible preachers, who tell the Truth without fear, or favor, or a single care whether or not that Truth produces some empty pews next week. I think of spiritual revivals sweeping the land that change people, and then change nations, and the world.
I think of folks who consistently model honor, dignity, honesty, and Christian charity.
I think of fathers and mothers loving each other and building the future together, as one.
I think of midwives and other experienced women helping mothers to have their babies at home, in the normal course of affairs, without breaking the family bank doing it.
I think of children who are taught, with a solid biblical basis, by their parents, their pastors, and trusted fellow citizens in the old hometown, or in the neighborhood - and not by far off (spiritually/philosophically hostile) bureaucrats or hired hands.
I think of folks who care for and love the elderly and sick as if they were Jesus Himself and don't leave that important task solely to "professionals."
I think of regular folks who have always answered the call and became fierce warriors, when necessary to defend their families, their people, and their country.
I think of gospel, blues, and mountain music.
I think of big families, working together, working hard, working in the family business, or working the land.
I think of homesteaders, home builders, and homemakers.
I think of neighbors coming for a quilting bee, or a barn-raising, or to take out a crop because someone is hurt, or ill.
That's a partial representation of what I guess is sort of my own idealized view of what I think America was, is, and should be.
Some, or maybe even most, of those things are long-gone, probably, and it's truly a shame. They were valuable beyond price. Irreplaceable, in fact.
I look at the politicians the "two parties" continue to push forward and I don't see much of a relationship between them and most of the things I just listed. Sorry, but that's just my opinion, based in my own experience and long-time observations. I don't see these people as representing the real America, or living in what most of the people I know consider to be the real world. Have Trump or Biden ever done a real day's work, the kind that means they drop into bed when the sun goes down because of exhaustion? Seriously? I mean, maybe they have - I'm willing to be corrected - but I just can't picture them doing it.
The people I hang out with sure don't sit around arguing over who can hit a golf ball further than the other guy. Especially when they're both octogenarians.
Good night.
PS...this is no way denigrates those who continue to keep the good things about America alive. They are still many. They inspire me. They are our hope, in the Lord.