Navy Senior Chief Petty Officer Edward C. Byers Jr., a member of east coast based SEAL team, receives the Medal of Honor from President Barack Obama during a White House ceremony, Feb. 29, 2016. Byers received the award for his actions while serving as part of a team that rescued an American civilian held hostage in Afghanistan in December 2012.
"Doing what's right is not always an easy choice. The lesser of two evils is still evil! We need a President that will make sound decisions for this country based on sound, righteous principles. Just as the father is the head of the family, our President is the head of our country's family. We need a man that will run this country just as he will run his home - based on what's right and just, not what may be easy or bought by someone else! God needs to be a main focus of his life in order to make those tough decisions!! We feel Tom Hoefling is that man. A God-fearing, Bible-reading,Constitutionally-thinking, American-protecting President! Eminent domain isn't in his game plan, being politically correct isn't in his bag of tricks, serving and following the whims of the banks and the elite isn't in his daily agenda; God and his constituents dictate his rhetoric. We believe that he will continue to serve them and them alone." Tom Hoefling Political leaders teach, whether intentionally or not. What are Donald Trump, along with his supporters, teaching Americans, particularly young people, right now? That to be a success you must be crude, and rude, and insulting, and egotistical, and narcissistic, and greedy, and unprincipled, and vindictive, and ignorant, and shallow, and rich. Oh, and that it's okay to write books in which you shamelessly brag about the long string of married women you bedded. Bad leaders make bad followers. My encounters with Trump supporters in recent days serve to once again confirm this conclusion. Hard to find one who doesn't launch into a nasty groundless personal attack once you tell them that there's no way on God's green earth that you're going to support their reprobate candidate. They take your lack of support for this man quite personally. This can't end well for America. Tom Hoefling The Federal Reserve is a quasi-governmental, quasi-private Frankenstein, one that amounts to nothing more than Congress shirking its own constitutional duties in the area of monetary policy. Shut it down. Quit giving bankers privileges that average citizens are not allowed. Demand that our elected representatives do their own job. "The Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour..."
-- Article III, Section One, U.S. Constitution Most people think federal judges receive a lifetime appointment to the bench. But the Constitution doesn't say that. It says that they hold their offices "during good Behaviour." How many of you seriously think that the "Behaviour" of our judges has been "good"? It's time to elect leaders to Congress who will act correctly, according to the obligations of their oaths, and begin to make the practice of the impeachment and removal of judges who behave badly THE RULE, rather than the exception. If we don't rein in the courts, and if we continue to elect politicians who think we live in a judicial oligarchy instead of a free constitutional republic with checks and balances, we can't possibly save the country. -- Tom Hoefling "True conservative, trustworthy, understands the issues, and will not compromise on the most important moral issues of our day. Tom Hoefling is everything conservatives say they are looking for in a leader. I support Tom Hoefling for President. We have been taken hostage by a failed two-party system and politicians that serve no one but their own self interests." To Trump supporters:
"Right down the list, you are blithely embracing every single thing you say you’re so angry about. Trump is the very embodiment of corruption, deception, cowardice, and elitism. He is precisely the sort of man you supposedly detest. Trump is exploiting America’s frustration with men like Trump. Trump is running against Trump. You are voting for Trump because you hate Trump. You are angry at politicians because they act like Trump and make deals like Trump and go to cocktail parties with men like Trump and look down on the little guy like Trump and possess the integrity of Trump, and so you’re solution is to elect Trump. Your anger at Trump leads you to Trump. Perhaps this explains why you’re so worried about politicians who are “controlled by donors,” but you aren’t at all concerned about a politicians who is the very donor you didn’t want controlling the political process. “I’m sick of these donors influencing the government! I have an idea: let’s make one president!” -- Matt Walsh The Blaze: Dear Trump Fan, So You Want Someone To ‘Tell It Like It Is’? OK, Here You Go. "I believe in the same principles of God as Tom and my faith in the Lord has inspired me to support a candidate who speaks to the America people and encourages them to repent and live by the two greatest commandments that God gave to man through His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. To love God with all of your heart, mind, body, and soul, and to love your neighbor as you would yourself. All of Gods laws and ordinances hang on those two commandments. I believe that the Fore Fathers of the United States wrote the constitution based on their belief in the One true God. The God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob. I pray that you continue to obey the Lord Tom Hoefling and do His will in every aspect of your life and you will definitely have my support for president in 2016." Hagmann and Hagmann interview Tom Hoefling, followed by America's Summit national town hall2/23/2016 Tom Hoefling:
It's going to be a busy and exciting evening tonight! First, between 7-9 pm Eastern, I'll be in a two hour interview with Hagmann and Hagmann, followed immediately by our regular Tuesday night America's Summit, Restore the Republic national town hall meeting. Hope you can listen in and then join us! There are three different ways to listen! Global Star Radio Network YouTube LIVE Blog Talk Radio And then, at 9 pm Eastern: America's Summit, Restore the Republic - National Town Hall Every Tues. and Thurs evening - 9 pm Eastern, 8 pm Central 712-432-3566 - passcode: 340794# All of good will are welcome! "I am supporting Tom Hoefling for President this year. After looking at the candidates that are in the running and their platforms and principles, I have determined that no one in the 2 major parties truly hold to a conservative approach to Government. I will not compromise on many key issues. I expect the President of the United States to do the same. Tom Hoefling is the only one that I know of in the race who is truly a conservative and desires to stand behind the courage of his convictions. He is a true statesman in every sense of the word and has the desire to limit Governmental power and shift the power in the direction of "we the people" as it should be. I would encourage people to read the platform of America's Party and to vote for the man that truly lines up with the values we need in a leader at a time like this." “The power of the sword is in the hands of Congress? My friends and countrymen, it is not so; for the powers of the sword are in the hands of the yeomanry of America from sixteen to sixty. The Militia of these free commonwealths, entitled and accustomed to their arms, when compared with any possible army, must be tremendous and irresistible. Who are the Militia? They are not ourselves as politicians and lawmakers. They are those who have elected us into our positions and entrusted us with the power of preserving and carrying out their wishes. Congress has no power to disarm the Militia. Their swords, and every other terrible implement of the soldier, are the birth-right of an American. The unlimited power of the sword is not in the hands of either the Federal or State governments, but, where I trust in God it will ever remain, in the hands of the people.”
– Tenche Coxe, letter to James Madison during adoption of the Bill of Rights in the United States Congress (1789) "It is better to be divided by truth than to be united in error. It is better to speak the truth that hurts and then heals, than falsehood that comforts and then kills. Let me tell you something, friend, it is not love and it is not friendship if we fail to declare the whole counsel of God. It is better to be hated for telling the truth, than to be loved for telling a lie. It is impossible to find anyone in the Bible who was a power for God who did not have enemies and was not hated. It’s better to stand alone with the truth, than to be wrong with a multitude. It is better to ultimately succeed with the truth than to temporarily succeed with a lie. There is only one Gospel and Paul said, ‘If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.”
– Adrian Rogers (cited in The Berean Call, December 1996) "My vote is for Tom Hoefling for the office of the President of the United Sates. He is the only candidate that will end child murder. He is also the only candidate that will put the values of God and family first." "I support Tom Hoefling because he supports my principles. He stands on a sound foundation that with God all things are possible. He knows that the nation cannot get better until the citizens are better. What will fix things is righteousness; seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you . America is under a curse so long as preborns are slaughtered and sodomy and other other unholy things are endorsed through government and churches the curse remains and judgment the ultimate end. How can he change anything is not up to him but by the Creator through our repentance. No other man has offered a realistic platform of integrity and honesty that depends on God which is what true Christians need to do." "I'm not wise enough to know who the best person in America for President is but I know that Tom Hoefling is better than ANY of the candidates in the two party duopoly that currently runs the nation as their private mafia. Tom is the only candidate who will treat the Judiciary as an equal branch of government, rather than an unelected oligarchy. Tom is the only candidate who will end child murder, full stop. Everyone else has exceptions, including those who claim that they have no exceptions, except... While I could go on, I would only be rehashing Tom's platform and I would rather encourage you to do your own research and if you find that you agree, join us!" "Tom Hoefling is a man of true character, honesty, and policy. He is the only candidate I would feel secure voting for. He is true to his word, and puts the values of God and family first, something I could hardly say any other politician exhibits." "Our government has devolved into a destroyer of, instead of a protector of, our God-given and constitutional rights and freedoms. Foremost is the right to life. I support Tom Hoefling because his platform outlines in all points what our country is desperately in need of." Tom Hoefling
Without an accurate sense of proportion you can't have a decent view of what should be the priority, and if your priorities are askew your best efforts, no matter how well-intended, will be diffused and wasted. So, ask yourself the question: What is the greatest evil of our age, the one thing that is destroying America more than anything else? The obvious answer is: The daily denial of equal protection and due process for the supreme God-given, unalienable right, the right to live, of innocent, helpless, defenseless little children in our country. Nothing else even comes close. Thousands more are being slaughtered TODAY. Restore respect for the rights of the preborn children, not just in words, but in fact, and you will be well on the way to restoring the foundations for American justice, American peace, security, and prosperity, and the American claim to republican, constitutional self-government in liberty. Fail to do this, and America will continue its inevitable slide into the abyss. "Tom Hoefling is the candidate whose first priority is protecting the human rights of preborn children, because he understands that the murder of preborn children is - beyond measure - America's greatest crisis." "I've prayerfully considered all the options. My convictions lead me to vote for the man that stands for Christ, first, and what's best for this nation. It's not about popularity, it's about principle. I want to unashamedly announce my endorsement of Thomas Hoefling. There is NO OTHER man (or woman) running for office that I can stand behind with the best interests of the unborn, traditional family, and for all other issues that concern us today. I hope that you would all do your research before settling for the lesser of two (or more) evils. Duty is ours to vote, and the outcome of this election is the Lord's, but God's people need the fortitude to vote for the man that is covered in righteousness." Tom Hoefling
The Utilitarian strategy employed by the pro-life movement over the last four decades is immoral and unconstitutional, and has therefore quite predictably been an utter failure. It's time to abandon that failed strategy and begin to employ a strictly moral, constitutional strategy, because that is the only thing that will, in the end, work. Greetings to all Constitution Party patriots and friends,
For those who don't know me, my name is Tom Hoefling, of Iowa. I'm a committed Christian, a long-time conservative activist, and the founder and chairman of America's Party. I would like to discuss with each of you the possibility of my obtaining your nomination for President in 2016. I think I can win your support on the merits, in terms of constitutional principle, vision, and consistency over the last two and half decades. But I also bring some real, immediate, practical value to the race. Not only can I muster a relatively large number of serious principled activists to your cause from every part of the country, I have a good shot at obtaining the American Independent Party of California general election ballot line, just as I did in 2012 -- which would, of course, greatly strengthen the C.P. challenge to the corrupt political status quo come November. Having discussed this with A.P. leaders, I can say that we are willing to subsume our own interests in terms of party building and put the Constitution Party completely at the head. Of course, opinions and decisions of A.I.P. leaders are their own, although I believe them to be very open to the possibilities that would be created by a principled coalition for 2016. If I get the sense after talking with your leaders across the country in the coming days and weeks that the welcome mat is out for me to compete, at least, I'm ready to put the word out for volunteers to step up right away and without reservation to help the Constitution Party obtain as many state ballot lines as possible. At this point, all I'm asking for is a fair hearing and fair shake. In closing, let me say: we are stronger together than we are separate. This constitutional republic is in ever-more-dire straits, and I believe that we have a duty to the LORD, to our country, and to our Posterity, to find common cause if we possibly can, while there is still time. Thank you for listening. For Life, Liberty, and the Constitution, Tom Hoefling PS ... Please contact me at the email address below. If you would like to talk, please include your contact information and the best time of day to reach you. [email protected] Your are also very welcome to join our calls, which we've been doing to the last eight and half years: America's Summit, Restore the Republic - National Town Hall Every Tues. and Thurs evening - 9 pm Eastern, 8 pm Central 712-432-3566 - passcode: 340794# All of good will are welcome! Looking forward to hearing from you! |
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