I am an abortion abolitionist, in spite of all of those who are compromising the basic principles of abolitionism in the way they do their politics. Why? Because conscience dictates that abortion must be abolished.
I am against socialism, in spite of all of those who also say they're against socialism while supporting every unconstitutional socialist government program under the sun. Why? Because socialism is theft, writ large, and it destroys nations and peoples. I love my children and grandchildren, and I don't want to see them destroyed, economically and politically.
I'm a conservative, in spite of all of those who have made a mockery out of that title. Why? Because the American system of republican, constitutional self-government built on the natural, God-ordained moral law is worth preserving and conserving.
I'm a republican, small "r," in spite of the political party that continues to dishonor that honorable title. Why? Because the American system of republican, constitutional self-government built on the natural, God-ordained moral law is the best form of human government there is in this fallen, sinful world, and it's worth fighting for.
I'm a Christian, in spite of the large percentage of Americans who have taken that label upon themselves while putting the lie to it in the way they act in their civic life.
I'm a Christian, in spite of my own terrible failures to live up to that most honorable of titles. Because, Christianity is all about repentance, and mercy, and grace, and perseverance.
Figure out who you are, and what you stand for, folks. And then stand, without wavering. Otherwise, moral compromise is going to be the death of us all.
Ignore the hypocrites and the liars, and simply resolve to do what is right, no matter what anyone else may or may not do.