Vice Presidential Nominee,
America's Party
"The principal arguments in support of independence may be comprehended under the four following heads.
1st, The natural right of the continent to independence.
2d, Her interest in being independent.
3d, The necessity,- and
4th, The moral advantages arising therefrom.
"IV. But what weigh most with all men of serious reflection are, the moral advantages arising from independence: war and desolation have become the trade of the old world; and America neither could nor can be under the government of Britain without becoming a sharer of her guilt, and a partner in all the dismal commerce of death."
--Thomas Paine, The Crisis, 1777
The principal arguments in support of conservatives’ independence from the Republican Party may be comprehended under the four following heads.
1st, The natural right of conservatives to political independence.
2d, Our interest in being independent from the Republican Party.
3d, The necessity,- and
4th, The moral advantages arising therefrom.
But what weigh most with all men of serious reflection are, the moral advantages arising from independence: War against unborn humanity and desolation of the traditional family have become the trade of the Grand Old Party. (If any man be in doubt of this fact, he need only look to the record and even the stated positions of the man whom the party is working so hard to nominate: Mitt Romney supports the destruction of the traditional family, in favor of the radical homosexual agenda. And he denies that the right to life of the unborn is unalienable and unconditional, proclaiming instead that it is an issue for the states to decide. If the states are the proper arbiters of this matter, then the right to life is neither unalienable nor unconditional--it is utterly conditioned on the will of the state, and completely severable at the whim of the people!) Conservatives neither could nor can be under the leadership and influence of Romney Republicanism without becoming a sharer of that party’s guilt, and a partner in all the dismal commerce of death.