In order to rescue, restore, and preserve this Constitutional Republic for our Posterity, we must have political leaders who understand, and who are fully committed to, faithfully keeping their sacredly-sworn duty to fulfill the explicit enumerated requirements of that Constitution, in detail, and fully in accord with all of that great document's stated purposes.
But, it must be understood by the American people that they're never going to see that kind of principled leadership from politicians who do not fully understand the crucial moral foundations of that great written Constitution.
In other words, if their political philosophy is not firmly rooted in the natural law moral principles of our national charter, the Declaration of Independence, and in the Holy Bible, you can be certain that they are going to bring about nothing except further degradation and destruction for our country.
If they don't completely understand that our rights come from our Creator, not from mere men, and that those rights are therefore absolutely unalienable, they will continue to act lawlessly and arbitrarily, to our demise as a free people. This inevitable result is as sure as the sunrise.