Compulsory government indoctrination, falsely called "education," is a Marxist notion.
Last night, we heard the usual strong support for that governmental system of indoctrination from Mr. Trump. He went so far as to say that "Education is the civil rights issue of our time." Outrageous.
Oh, you might say, he mentioned "public, private, charter, magnet, religious or home schools." Yes, he did, but only in the context of the federal government funding them.
Don't be dangerously naive. He who pays the piper calls the tune.
Taking a government check is the death knell of educational freedom.
The U.S. Constitution, which Mr. Trump and all the rest of them in Washington swore a sacred oath to support and defend, contains not one iota of enumerated power for the feds to involve themselves in education.
"Conservatives" once understood this.